Testing Minerals Lab

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mineral Properties

Luster - Metallic or Nonmetallic
Color - Variable, Colorless
Hardness -  1 to 10
Cleavage or Fracture
Composition - Chemicals in the minerals


One thing that I most enjoy about the project was when we record the video because we take one minerals and guess which one it is. The most challenging part was making the video in Imovie, I hate mac and it take a lot of time. A least I learn how to use the Imovie program and how to figure out the types and names of the minerals. I'm not sure but I think I could record better the video and put more details on it.

Our Shaking World Project

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Lithosphere Layer
Activities: BrainPop & Music Videos
Topics: Tsunami, Mountains & Plate Tectonics
Summary: Plate Tectonics is the theory that explain how long pieces of lithosphere, named plates move and change shape. The theory of plate tectonics was is 1960s, the proof of this theory is the continental drift and seafloor.

Shaking Our World Project

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

This is my PowerPoint presentation. Hope you like it if not is ok for me.

Geologic Time Scale Project - Jurassic

Monday, December 12, 2011


In the eon (Phanerozoic) era mesozoic, the Jurassic period happen 200 million years ago and end 146 years ago. When the Jurassic was happening the Earth landmasses was one huge country. In this period there was a lot of dinosaurs and earliest birds.

What do I most enjoy about this project was to learn about Dinosaurs and other things. The most challenging was work with Isitn Bajo, Becasuse he did not do anything at all he just was playing around.
I will change

The Star

Monday, November 14, 2011

What is a star?

Star is a huge sphere of gas. Star look very small because they're too far away from us but many of them are bigger and brighter than the Sun. The energy of the star are made in the middle by nuclear fusion. Star have different size and colors. Star are made of al big cloud of dust and gas called a steller nebula. When the star become to hot enough, the middle of the star can begin nuclear reactions so the star come to the new world.

Types of Stars?

Stars are classified in 4 different types. They are Super Giant, Giant, Main Sequence and White Dwarf. They are also classified in other 6 different categories, ages, size, names, temperature, luminosity, color and spectral class. White dwarfs are very old, small, white stars. They are very dim, which means that they are dying. Supergiant stars and main sequence stars can be any color and size. They all have different temperature, luminosity, and spectral class.

H - R Diagram

The H-R diagram is a graph that tells us a star's luminosity, temperature, color, name, spectral class, type, size, and age. It was created by two scientists, Hertzsprung and Russell.

Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear fusion is a process in which a star makes energy by changing two hydrogen gas molecules into one helium molecule. Nuclear fusion takes place in the center of a star. When the middle of a star becomes hot enough, nuclear reactions can start, and a new star is born. Without nuclear fusion a star won't be able to live. Nuclear fusion gives a star life and powers it up with energy.

The life Cycle of a Star

Although all stars are born with stellar nebula, a giant cloud of dust and gases, sun-like stars, huge stars, and giants stars have different life cycle. Sun-like stars are born with stellar nebula, after that they become red giants. Next, they collapse and explode into a cloud of dust and gases called planetary nebula. Then, they become white dwarfs. Lastly, they become black dwarfs, cold and dark objects. Just like sun-like stars, huge stars and giant stars are born with stellar nebula. Only then, they become red super giants and explode in a giant explosion called supernova. After that, huge stars become neutron stars, and giant stars die and turn into black holes, invisible objects that suck everything around it.


Thursday, October 20, 2011


Planet order: 7 from the Sun.

Distance from the Sun (km) 2, 870 million km.

Mass: 8.6849 × 1025 Kg                        Diameter: 51,118 km

Rotation: 17h 14m                                  Revolution: 84yr

# of Moons 21                                        Jovian

Planet description:

Axis of rotation lies nearly parallel with the planet of it's orbit. May have been altered by a giant impact. Has a ring system, large gaseous planet with thin. Atmosphere is hydrogen, helium, and methare.

2 Interesting Facts 

  • Different Rotation.
  • Is named after the Greek God of the sky in latin.

Hurricane Irene Project

Friday, October 7, 2011

Critical Thinking

1. What effects does water temperature have on the creation a hurricane?
I think the water temperature cause hurricane because, the warm temperature
form a hurricane.

2. Why would there be more damage to an area during high tide?
It would be more damage to an area during high tide because; the ocean become
more strong and high so can destroy an area more easily.

3. If an area is fully saturated, how will this be more dangerous for an area?
Because the area is completely wet and can fall down at any time or be destroyed.

4. Why would there be more flooding if the ground was fully saturated?
Because flooding cover the area that is completely dry.


What is something that you liked about this mini-project?
Well what I like about this mini-project is when we did the blog.

What was difficult for you on this project?
Was to wake up early to come to school.

What would you change about your work on this project?
I think I would change some words but I don’t have to.

How did this project help you learn about Hurricane Irene?
It help me a lot because a learn how the hurricane take form.
